Friday, March 6, 2009

High School Memories

Hello Everyone!

Well it's been a few days since I've posted anything. It's been a busy week and I just didn't get the chance. I do want to continue telling you about some of the parties I've planned.

One of the most fun parties was my oldest daughter's High School Graduation party. When discussing a theme together we came up with a School Days theme. We thought it would be fun to have kind of costume party where everyone would come dressed as someone you would see at school. We gave out invitations which discribed our theme and gave some examples to give the guests ideas on how to dress. Some examples were: Cheerleader, Jock, Geek, Punk, Phys Ed Teacher, Soccer Coach, Beauty Ed Teacher and of course my daughter was the Prom Queen (this was mentioned in the invitation so no one else would wear that costume).I must say that our families are pretty game for just about anything and many really got into the fun of it. We had some pretty creative costumes, including the School Nurse, the Cafeteria Lady and the really Nerdy Student. It made for quite some interesting pictures!

Luckily, it was the end of June and we were able to have the party outside. The weather was beautiful so we we able to have some fun activities for the many kids that were there. I decorated with as many school items as I could which included mini blackboards, erasers, chalk, mini globes, crayons and craft paper. We played games such as a spelling bee and a cheerleading competition. Though I gave out small prizes everyone seemed to enjoy them. We had a simple menu of chicken cutlets, pasta salad and grilled sausage sandwiches. This plus lots of fruits, salty treats, candy and a cake was enough to keep everyone happy. It was so warm that the most important thing was to have plenty of cold drinks for everyone. The best part of this menu was that most of the preparation was done in advance. I also did the decorating the day before.

Being organized and preparing as much as you can in advance makes for a much more relaxed occasion and makes it alot more enjoyable for you and your guests.

Make today a pretty day!

Pretty As A Peacock

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